Thursday, January 22, 2009

He's Tall, I'm Short...It just works!

I'm 5'2" and that's with my Texas hair - he's 6'5". We gets "looks" when we walk through the mall...which is rare because hubby hates to shop!! But we are a "sight" and people ask strange questions - well, some they never really come out and ask but they certainly imply that they are wondering. I just stop them and say...."we're the same height laying down".
That pretty much brings a screeching halt to the conversation!

There are several advantages to being married to a tall guy....I don't have to keep a step stool in the kitchen, he can clean the ceiling fans without standing on a chair and we are pretty awesome at vollyeball. Ok - he's awesome but I have a pretty good serve - alright's not all that great but whatever! But - I discovered that his height is not always a blessing - at least not to ME because I had NO IDEA what was on the top of my refrigerator!! Do you know what's on top of yours? Let me tell you....if you haven't looked in over a year, well.... I'll just say that if hubby and I are coming over to your house - I'll give you fair warning!
Check out what our girlfriends are talking about HERE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, my son is 6'3" so I don't have to worry about you coming for a visit! Loved the bog.